Hope For the Best, But Prepare For the Nursed

 I don’t even know what I’m doing on here, but I’ve been asked by enough people to do this, so here I go.

 I just worked my last shift at my nursing job in my home town area and I’m moving with my husband and 2 year old daughter to England....on Thursday.  (There’s a lot more back story here than I’m leading on in my first post). A few things to know...

1) I’m married to a Brit

2) I’m born and raised in Midwest, America and I’m an American trained Registered Nurse

3) I am soon to be a nurse in the UK(as long as I can pass this BLOODY test) and living and working under a Spouse visa. 

4) I’m not a huge fan of tea but I do kinda like crumpets 

5) Yes my husband and my daughter have an English accent and I do not. 

Welcome to my blog. I hope to be entertaining, enlightening and helpful to those who are curious as to this life we live. 


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