Pregnancy in the UK
My last post was a recap of last year and led us to the current pregnancy. I told you about my experience from positive pregnancy test, HG, my hospital stay at 6 weeks gestation and that we told Emme after the 12 week sono. Just to back up a moment for the purpose of this post... (Pic- 11weeks) I went for my first midwife appointment at 10 weeks (don’t think I touched on that??) and at that time was so miserable-as the midwife could see. I would have to constantly sip on ice cold decaf tea to avoid swallowing and tasting my own saliva and throwing up—honestly the worst! That appointment was about 2 hours long. I was shocked and never expected to be in there for that length of time. This was my first encounter with any midwives and I am told this will be the midwife I will see throughout the pregnancy (and possibly at birth if she is on shift). It was an appointment that consisted of mostly me in a chair and the student midwife at the computer going through multiple tabs and ...