106 Days and Counting....
106 days. That's how many days we've been in our recent lockdown in England. November 5, 2020 wasn't the strictest lockdown yet. We are currently in the strictest lockdown. -No travel outside your county unless for work. -No pubs, restaurants or non-essential shopping open. -No gathering in groups indoors or outdoors. -Excercise permitted (with one other person). It's been a taxing time for us. Moving over, quarantined for 2 weeks and then placed in national lockdown. But, enough of the sad/depressing stuff. What have we been doing through this? Most days are like ground hog day for us. Daniel goes to work 6am-2pm, 5 days a week in all sorts of patterns including holidays and weekends. I stay home with Emme with no where to go but within walking distance. (So usually the park right behind our house.) I've attempted to keep a routine at home where we eat meals about the same times, get dressed/brush teeth after breakfast, clean the house together, and make s...