Q&A Thank you all for your questions submitted on Facebook/Instagram as well as by text message or email. I will do my best to answer them all here. What is your favorite thing about the UK? This is a very general question submitted, but that gives me a lot of space to write?! I can't pick A THING, as I am not good at that anyhow. If ever someone asks me my favorite food, drink, movie, restaurant, etc, I always give multiple answers. Kind of like when my mom would take me dress shopping for dances it always came down to two options, which one? Thats a long way of saying, I'll pick a few things that are my favorite about the UK. -I love the walkability/transportation throughout the country. I would say this to be true of some major cities of the USA that I have visited as well, but hands down London will always be my favorite city in ways of getting around. You never have to go too far to catch a bus, train, boat, or plane! Since I am not driving quite yet, my main mode of...